Princess Grace Hospital Monaco
Princess Grace Hospital & Mairie of Monaco - 22 tonnes of medical and children’s hospital equipment
The Princess Grace Hospital has made a signifi cant donati on of important medical equipment and material, especially 40 medicalised beds, 20 wheel chairs, medical chairs and children’s beds, etc.
The Princess Grace Hospital is supporti ng the engagement of AMOR and made the wish that, in the future, be privilegied partners in the acti ons supported by the high patronnage of H.S.H. Prince Albert of Monaco.
Following a meeti ng with the founder of AMOR, with the Mayor of Monaco, Mr Yann Malgherini, Adjoint au Maire, Délégué with Mrs Nathalie Vaccarezza, Chief of Social Services acti ons for “Peti te Enfance”, Mr Georges Marsan, Mayor of Monaco, has confi rmed that the Mairie wished to support the project of AMOR.
This partnership can be maintained in the future and developed to every kind of material and equipment, in accordance with the needs and renewal of baby equipment.
22 tonnes of medical and children’s hospital equipment